
B&M Hülsen-Retter

Make damaged rolls usable again, save resources and money.

Indented, oval or damaged rolls from the packaging, printing and paper industry can be quickly and easily restored with the help of our B&M core rescuer, repairing unusable material and thus saving additional costs.

Restoration of your cores is possible in a matter of minutes using a simple one-man operation: The core rescuer is positioned with the jaws closed as far as possible in the depressed core of a reel, by simply pumping the handle the hydraulic spreader head is actuated, the jaws are opened and the damaged core is brought back into shape. The roll can then be picked up again in the winder.

Our lightweight core savers are easy to transport and can be used anywhere to achieve quick results.

Hydraulic spreader head to restore depressed cardboard cores in rolls:
  • Standard model for sleeve Ø of 70/76.2 mm
  • with adapter also for sleeve Ø up to 152.4 mm
  • max. penetration depth 250 mm
  • max. roll width 500 mm
  • max. roll diameter 1.100 mm
max. Eindringtiefe
max. Rollenbreite
max. Rollen-Ø

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